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UNFPA Reaffirms Commitment to Support Availability of Data to Inform Development Planning and Targeted Investments

UNFPA Reaffirms Commitment to Support Availability of Data to Inform Development Planning and Targeted Investments


UNFPA Reaffirms Commitment to Support Availability of Data to Inform Development Planning and Targeted Investments

calendar_today 15 November 2018

As part of UNFPA's key actions to ensure availability of quality, timely and disaggregated data to inform policy and targeted investments at various levels and sectors, UNFPA in Zambia has pledged to provide US$500,000 in the form of technical assistance, equipment and financial resources towards the 2020 Census of Population and Housing in Zambia. The pledge was made during a donor round table meeting held on 15 November 2018, aimed at mobilizing resources for the 2020 Census of Population and Housing.

Speaking as she announced UNFPA, UNICEF and UNAIDS pledges towards the 2020 Census, United Nations Resident Coordinator, Ms Janet Rogan commended the Government of the Republic of Zambia for investing in key actions towards sustainable development in Zambia, a process that has recognized the central role of quality and accurate data to drive this agenda. Ms Rogan highlight that the United Nations in Zambia, through UNFPA, reaffirms its commitment to provide technical support to the Government of Zambia, towards improving the collection, processing, in-depth analysis and dissemination of data as central to the achievement of Zambia’s 7th National Development Plan and Vision 2030.

Speaking at the same event, Minister of National Development Planning, Hon. Alexander Chiteme noted with appreciation the sustained partnership between the UN in Zambia - through UNFPA - and the Central Statistical Office, which is focused on the generation of evidence to inform development planning, targeted investments and programming in support of Zambia’s development aspirations.

Hon. Chiteme added that the 2020 Census will be the first of its kind in Zambia to be conducted using electronic data collection methodology – Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), which is a complete shift from the traditional Pen and Paper Interview (PAPI). The electronic data collection methodology is expected to improve the quality of data collected and reduce the time-lag between data collection and the dissemination of results.