State of World Population Report
Investing in 10-year-old girls could yield huge demographic dividend, pump billions into national economies Girls are less likely than boys to complete schooling and more likel...
Declarations and Statement
In order to strengthen the national multi-sectoral response to child marriage, Government of the Republic of Zambia - with support from UNFPA, UNICEF, UKAID through the Department ...
Annual Report
The UNFPA Zambia 2015 annual report highlights continued efforts to break the cycle of unfulfilled sexual and reproductive rights for women and young people, thus making a differen...
UNFPA in Zambia in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Zambia renewed its programme of coorperation in September 2015, with the UNFPA Executive Boards’ approva...
Annual Report
In Zambia, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is implementing its 7th Country Programme of Cooperation (2011-2015) with the Government of Zambia. Its aim is “to contr...
Globally, adolescents represent a significant demographic and socio-economic force, and are also a major factor in influencing public health trends. Adolescence is a special stage ...
State of World Population Report
Zambia has adopted evidence and results based management and planning approaches for the development of the NASF. The NASF development process relied on availability of quality and...